Do actions need focus in the first place or does focusing need action? The answer is, actions do not need focus at the beginning. That means, we do not need to learn to focus before we do any work or action to get any expected results. Focus comes by default when you start doing anything regulated. We need regulated actions. Actions which are performed without any change will not develop focus. What do I mean by regulated action? Any action which has “changing way of doing with time” is a regulated action. In fact, time exists because of “Change.” Focus is nothing but the frequency at which one can avoid one´s actions turning away from the aim. Because this involves time, since time involves change, focus needs change of action.
For example, when you regularly go to gym, you need to increase or decrease the weights that you use for your workouts with time. Or you may also need to change or adjust the duration that you spend in the gym. You need to decrease the weights if you did not eat properly last days or if you could not sleep, or if you were in a depressed mood or were not well. You can increase the weights again in suitable conditions. This kind of action (which is your physical training) which is regulated with time develops focus. The more you make such fine-tuned adjustments to your way of action with time, the longer you stay in focus. If you do not change or adjust the training program according to the situation or time, and want to stick to it at any cost, the probability of achieving the expected results will be less because an essential element "Focus" is missing there. Focus is a great tool to the mind with which one can significantly increase the probability of getting the expected results fast and accurately. Maintenance of constancy in action does not lead to “focusing.” Since any physical entity is strictly subject to change, any action that we do with the involvement of those physical entities must be in a regulated fashion (change with time) to develop focus. Any action which is constant with time will not result in focus but settles our mind in a sleeping mode.
Even if the ideal situations are provided, for example, your health, mood, sleep, food everything is constant through months, then you maintain a constant workout program or the prescribed program routinely. Even then, you lose focus and thus, the results will not last because, whenever any action becomes changeless, focus disappears. When you lose focus, you lose interest. This is what you call "boring". When you lose interest, your mind instructs you to stop doing such things. If you do not listen to your mind and continue doing that changeless thing, it develops chronic stress in your subconscious. This stress will be expressed one way or the other such as, you may be impatient frequently, susceptible to short and quick angers, etc. Because it is chronic, we usually cannot observe the reason for such behavior or stress. We are usually lucky because such ideal situations as I described above are rare or do not exist. We have some or other problems with money, mood, health, sleep, or food. Such deviated situations from ideality save us from such chronic stress which arises out of ideal comforts usually leading to constant actions. These are the problems that actually give us an opportunity to fine tune accordingly and stay in focus and make our lives interesting.
Focus is not “bringing our actions towards the direction of our aim.” Focus is “the process of avoiding our actions going away from the aim.” Focusing is a desire that spontaneously and naturally develops inside us. It gives us dopamine. No one needs to train. Our mind tells us to change each time we get boredom. We simply do not listen to it because we think change is a sin and it does not lead to results. We are afraid. And thus, we take a difficult and unnatural way of sticking to a program, a constant way of doing things so that we feel safe. We think we are in motion but actually we are in inertia. We usually show less willingness to constantly look for any possible and meaningful changes to make to our routine actions. We are ultimately afraid of a beautiful, naturally gifted thing to cherish which is “the change.” And because of that, we push ourselves into a mediocre quality of life. I don’t mean to make changes each time your mind sends you a boring signal. The change should be meaningful. But change is necessary. This concept can also be applied to the corporate world. When the companies make constant meaningful changes to their actions, they themselves stay in focus and also constantly attract the focus of their customers.
To conclude, focus does not lead to a steady state of mind but an active state. Focus needs lot of turbulences in the actions in the background. Thus, the turbulences such as our problems and our struggles to solve them lead to focus. We do not need to learn to focus in the first place to effectively deal with them. Thus, anybody can start doing anything without any special skills in the first place. Our mind has intrinsic capabilities to develop those required skills with any regulated actions. You only must determine not to quit.